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Working together

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner and Devon & Cornwall Police work with partners to help create safe, resilient and connected communities.

The Commissioner holds a key political role in Devon and Cornwall; she is the elected representative of the public and has the legal duty to hold the Chief Constable to account with regards to the delivery of policing services across the two counties and the Isles of Scilly.  The PCC works in conjunction with the Chief Constable to set the force’s strategic direction which is drafted into a published Police & Crime plan.

Below you can find more information about our partnerships working across the Devon & Cornwall Police force area.

Local Criminal Justice Board

The Local Criminal Justice Board (LCJB) includes representation from all criminal justice agencies


South West Reducing Reoffending Partnership

The South West Reducing Reoffending Partnership (SWRRP) works to tackle causes of reoffending


Vision Zero South West

A road safety partnership working to reduce fatal and serious collisions in the South West


Serious Violence Prevention Programme

The Serious Violence Prevention Partnership aims to help to drive the earliest possible interventions


Prisoners Building Homes

An award winning programme set up to enable prisoners to be employed and trained by housing providers


Community Safety Partnerships

Community Safety Partnerships work together to protect their local communities from crime
