The Police and Crime Commissioner for Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly defines scrutiny as:
“A practical tool to review information and explore an issue objectively, with the aim of developing an informed view driving accountability and bringing about positive change.”
Scrutiny is a key tool for Commissioners in carrying out their duties and can assist them in holding the Chief Constable to account on the running of the police force and on the delivery of the Commissioner’s Police and Crime Plan objectives.
Scrutiny is not an inspection or disciplinary process. It can be carried out by the Commissioner, their staff and specially set up panels.
Scrutiny should act as a ‘critical friend’ and can help both the Commissioner and the Chief Constable identify challenges and opportunities, and seek out best practice and improvements.
Devon & Cornwall Police can and do carry out their own internal assurance processes to learn and develop as an organisation, but the Commissioner must always carry out their own independent scrutiny of the police.