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The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly
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The official website for Alison Hernandez, Police and Crime Commissioner for Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly

Local Criminal Justice Board

Local Criminal Justice Boards (LCJBs) are the forum in which the local criminal justice organisations at police force area (PFA) level come together to work in the common interest to improve the criminal justice system (CJS).  Working in partnership with strategic leaders representing the Police, Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), Courts (HMCTS), Prisons and Probation Service (HMPPS),  Youth Justice Service (YJS), and support services, Devon and Cornwall LCJB aims to address cross cutting issues, improve the experiences of victims and witnesses, reduce reoffending, agree, and deliver strategic priorities to improve efficiency and effectiveness of the local CJS.  

In March 2022, the PCC Review (Part 2), carried out by the Home Office, identified LCJBs as a critical vehicle to empower PCCs with the levers to bring together criminal justice partners to effectively tackle crime. In line with recommendations made by the Review, a suitable legislative vehicle is being sought to place LCJBs on a statutory footing and mandate that the PCC act as Chair.  Devon and Cornwall LCJB is Chaired by the Police and Crime Commissioner. 

The agencies that make up Devon and Cornwall LCJB are; 

  • The Office for the Police and Crime Commissioner
  • Devon & Cornwall Police  
  • Crown Prosecution Service (CPS)
  • His Majesty’s Courts and Tribunal Service, Devon & Cornwall area (HMCTS)
  • His Majesty Prison & Probation Service (HMPPS)
  • A representative of the Youth Justice Service 
  • The Legal Aid Agency 
  • A representative from the Defence Community 
  • The representatives from Devon and Cornwall Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Sector (VCSE)
  • The High Sheriff of Devon and The High Sheriff of Cornwall

The remit of the LCJB is wide and varied, we cover all aspects of criminal justice from investigation to rehabilitation.  Some of the business is directed by central government, others are grown from local need.  All of our work involves partnership working.  Currently, there are five areas of business and our priorities are to; 

  • Support victims and witnesses
  • Ensure efficient and effective criminal justice
  • Reduce reoffending
  • Address disproportionality
  • Maximise communication and engagement

To address these challenges we have a number of multi-agency subgroups, chaired by Board members or other Senior Managers who show great commitment to improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the criminal justice system. 

Alongside these important areas of business is a drive to increase efficiency through the use of technology, improve the service we provide to victims and witnesses and bring about change to ensure the communities of Devon and Cornwall have a fair and robust criminal justice system.

The Board

Find out more about the Board


Priorities 2023/2024

Read about the priorities of the Local Criminal Justice Board


LCJB subgroups

About the Local Criminal Justice Board subgroups


LCJB scrutiny panels

About the Local Criminal Justice Board scrutiny panels


Criminal Justice and You

A multimedia resource for victims and witnesses
