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LCJB subgroups

The LCJB subgroups are agreed at the LCJB planning day and they work in partnership with criminal justice agencies to deliver on the annual priorities and support the Board. They are pivotal in delivering improvement throughout the criminal justice process and work hard to achieve our objectives set out annually. There are three subgroups which are:

Maximising the Dignity of Women throughout the CJS Task & Finish Group

The aim of the group is to work together with partners to identify where gaps in service exist for females throughout the criminal justice system and consider what improvements can be made to support the implementation of a better provision. The group meet quarterly.

Swift Youth Justice Task & Finish Group

The importance of swift justice for youths is to minimise the impact on children due to the delay in the legal processes throughout the criminal justice system by identifying where improvement can be made and understand where inefficiencies exist. The group meet quarterly. 

Victims and Witnesses Subgroup 

The importance of appropriate justice and support for victims and witnesses is laid out within the Victims Code of Practice and the aim of the subgroup is to work together with partners to identify where there are any gaps in the service and consider what and how improvements can be made to improve the experiences of victims and witnesses.