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South West Reducing Reoffending Partnership

The PCC also works in partnership with CJS organisations across the peninsula and now chairs the Reducing Offending Board for the South West region (Avon & Somerset, Devon & Cornwall, Dorset, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire). The South West Reducing Reoffending Partnership was established in March 2019 and brings together partners from across the South West to support multi-agency work to tackle some of the main causes of reoffending, such as lack of accommodation, access to health services and employment opportunities.

The South West Reducing Reoffending Partnership also works with the regional Prisoners Building Homes Programme, in partnership with the One Public Estate Programme and West of England Combined Authority. This award winning programme was set up to enable prisoners to be employed and trained by modular housing providers to build low carbon, modular homes for local communities and vulnerable people across the South West.

The South West Reducing Reoffending Partnership is not a formal governance body, but works together in partnership with goodwill and shared goals to reducing reoffending.

Together, it represents Criminal Justice in the South West at a senior leadership level (except the Crown Prosecution Service and the Courts/Judiciary, these partners are liaised with via Local Criminal Justice Boards).

By working in partnership as a region we can help affect how we can work more impactfully and consistently at a local level. We are currently working together to tackle drugs and mental health concerns within the Criminal Justice System.

We are ambitious for our region and will fully implement the availability of mental health treatment requirements through the courts across the whole of the South West.

Click here to read the Strategy document.

For more information on the Partnership please email the office at